Tuesday, February 23, 2010


What legumes have in common

Legumes grow from the carpel, the female reproductive part of a plant. The fruit of a legume is found inside a pod that can be split on both sides. However, there are some foods that grow inside pods that are not legumes.


Legumes contain many healthy nutrients, such as protein. They are good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans, people who do not eat meat. They also contain fibre, which promotes a healthy digestive system. However, they contain some nutrients which humans struggle to digest. It is recommended that a legume is soaked in a weak acid for about 10 hours before cooking, to destroy these nutrients. Some amino acids, such as methionine, are not present in legumes but are needed to help the body use protein. For this reason, legumes are often eaten with grain, which does contain methionine.


India imports (buys from other countries) the most legumes. This may be because a lot of Indians follow the religion of Hinduism, which does not approve of people eating meat. Legumes are a cheap and plentiful source of food in a country were around 22% of the population are in poverty. The top four producers and exporters (selling to other countries) of legumes are:

The USA uses legumes for a variety of reasons, and is the highest producer. It uses soybeans to feed cattle and make vegetable oil. Peanuts are a popular snack food in the USA and these are also a type of legume.

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