Sunday, December 27, 2009


Peach is a tree that at first grew in China. Peaches are also the fruit the peach tree makes. Peaches are called stone fruits because they have a shell of hard wood around their seed, called a stone or a pit. Cherries, plums, and apricots are other stone fruits. There are two types of peaches: freestone and clingstone. Freestone peaches do not stick to their pits, while clingstone peaches do.

The skin of a peach is an orange-yellow color, and it is covered in small, fine hairs called peach fuzz. A peach without the fuzz is commonly called a nectarine. The inside of a peach is a golden color. The inside of a peach is sweet and sticky. Because they taste sweet, peaches are often part of dessert.

Many North Americans enjoy this fruit, as well as others all over the world.

Peaches are often confused with nectarines, the difference is that a peach has fine and small hairs, (peach fuzz) but a peach with no fuzz is a nectarine. Peaches are grown all over the world these days but they are now becoming very expensive. In Peru, peaches are cald panigwats, (meaning sweet fruit). Scientists say that peaches are so rare that the species of the peach might get wiped out1

1 comment:

  1. Peaches are my favourite fruit to have during summers. Their sweet and sour taste tantalizes my taste buds. I love its smell, colour and taste. I make many desserts using peaches.
